Malevolent magic is activated when you say yes to it.
Saying yes can happen through violent coercion. It can also happen through passive acquiescence because it has always been this way and you know no other.
However, the most common yes to malevolent magic occurs when
Saying yes can make you feel as if
The moment you say “yes”
In saying yes you will NEVER
This connection can never be severed. In fact, when you say yes to malevolent magic, God will hold you closer, as if you were a child in a feverish delirium in the throes of a nightmare. God waits for you to wake up in her arms. When awaken, you weep. This is the beginning of your NO. The beginning of NEVER AGAIN.
Saying yes can happen through violent coercion. It can also happen through passive acquiescence because it has always been this way and you know no other.
However, the most common yes to malevolent magic occurs when
- You do have a recollection of faith and love and another way out, but you are too numb to believe. The thought of living life from love or faith hurts too much in this moment. You are convinced that malevolent magic, which does not appear malevolent at all, is the *only* way out to stop endless cycles of pain and suffering. At this time, malevolent magic appears as the flame of a candle. In the darkness, it seems the *only* light and you cannot help but walk toward it.
Saying yes can make you feel as if
- It is a good, moral, and noble thing to do
- You will save or help another by doing it
The moment you say “yes”
- The healing, empowering story that is yours by divine right is replaced with a malevolent magic program. The malevolent magic program is a winding road straight to hell.
- You give your power away under the assumption that it is for the greater good because someone else knows best.
- You resist changing your yes to a no because you have invested in the yes.
In saying yes you will NEVER
- Lose connection to God.
This connection can never be severed. In fact, when you say yes to malevolent magic, God will hold you closer, as if you were a child in a feverish delirium in the throes of a nightmare. God waits for you to wake up in her arms. When awaken, you weep. This is the beginning of your NO. The beginning of NEVER AGAIN.